Justina Villanueva

Kristen Sollee

Launch Date Jan 2018

Link KristenSollee.com

Scope: Design


Kristen Sollee is a writer, researcher, professor and founder of Slutist.com. Previously, her site was hard to tell what it is she did, who she was, and as a user, I wasn't sure how to navigate from page to page. I wanted to make the navigation easier and to boldly declare Kristen's many talents.


We met for lunch and talked about what her aspirations for the next two years. I sketched out some ideas with her. Then I came home and wireframed them.

We communicated via email during the rest of the build. She would respond to wires and color options. I would refine and send her newer mocks, until she was happy with the feel. Then, I updated her SquareSpace with a new theme and worked from there to customize each section and page.


Link KristenSollee.com

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