Adriane Schramm
Launch Date: January 2018
Scope: Design & Development
Adriane Schramm is an artist and a friend I very much admire. We talked about collaborating on this portfolio site for years. It took her some time to scan, categorize and upload her work.
When she was ready, I asked her four simple questions.

Because I knew her range work pretty well, I started jamming on a moodboard to get her excited about the possibilities for her website.

And then, once she sent me over links to her image files, I combed through, re-categorized them, and started workshopping different color combinations.

The Wires
After she reviewed the inspo, color palette and answered my intial questions, we talked about which sites inspired her the most. She sent over more textured images for me to play with (acne and body hair). The mocks below inspired the final design.

The Site
Even though she loved the super complex designs in the inspiration I sent her, she fell in love with the mock that was a little simpler, but still had bright color.
Building the site was pretty straightforward. I utilized css psuedo classes (nth-of-type math) to create a gallery feel.

The hardest part was collaborating on her CV. That's where I spent the most time researching and editing.
